Services: We love to connect, across domains and mindsets, internationally.

Curatomics mission is driven by creating spaces and experiences where people exchange, learn and grow, and which are helping companies and communities to sustain in a positive way.

Previous and current partners and projects include Ludicious, Reboot Develop, Quo Vadis, Respawn – Gathering of Developers, devcom, Next Level, A Maze, DevGamm, gamescom congress, and gamesweekberlin.

Program Curation, Exhibitions & Advice

You need help with conference programmes and finding and acquiring the right speakers in Game Development, Tech and Media? Thats what we do for more than 12 years almost every day. We enjoy creating the right tonality on and off stage for sharing knowledge, energy and connection in a conference, festival or community & corporate event

Speaker Management

We are driven by connecting with creators, shapers, and makers to find the proper contexts to move their mission and story forward. As we have been wandering between game development, tech, art, education, and business for the past two decades, this has resulted in a constantly growing network we leverage on partners’, clients’, and friends’ behalf.

Image by Dirk Wouters from Pixabay

Speaking, Lecturing, Moderation & Advice

As moderators and hosts, we love facilitating purposeful conversations and connections.

As advisors, we support you as external sparring partners on your programs and events, not shy of getting our hands dirty when advice needs to lead to direct action.

The bigger picture: Inspiration, Connection, Change

The bigger picture is that via our work, we want to support everyday action in moving away from a society of adversity towards one of connection and collaboration.

But for this to happen, we have to start with ourselves. We can only genuinely collaborate and relate to others well if we relate to ourselves first.

Hence we will branch out, even more than in our previous program work, from the game and digital development into UX, psychology, coaching, social and cultural topics and related fields to support the primary mission of getting better at speaking, networking, collaboration, and events in the future.

Image by Dirk Wouters from Pixabay