gamescom Congress 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
7 Stages, one workshop room, record attendance with more than 900 visitors.
Read the “Ideas and Actions flow swiftly”-Interview with Gamesmarkt for more details.
6 Stages, 2 Workshop and interaction rooms. Eight hundred visitors on site, everybody happy. For impressions and a few details see here.
Returning to 5 physical stages onstage with livestream coverage from the mainstage, successful rebound with lots of positive feedback for the program and direction
Switching from a physical 5-stage event to a live-stream digital event & changing the previous 2020 approach, which focussed on video on demand, towards a 100% online-live-experience
Massive success with 118.000 viewers and a significant length of stay
Since 2021 Concept Advisory, Program Direction, Speakers & Program Curation & Management
Since 2023 we are also supporting the Event Planning & Project Management
in collaboration with game – the German Games Industry Association (Program structure & content)
a project on behalf of game and KoelnMesse